這次參與iGoogle遊戲背景主題有以下電玩遊戲發行商: Activision Call of Duty®: World at War™ (決勝時刻) Guitar Hero® (吉他英雄) Blizzard Entertainment® World of Warcraft® (魔獸世界)
Capcom Mega Man (洛克人) Street Fighter IV (快打炫風5) Eidos Tomb Raider: Underworld™ (古墓奇兵8地城奪寶) Electronic Arts Burnout™ Paradise: Ultimate Box (狂飆樂園) Dragon Age™ Origins FIFA 09 Mass Effect™ 2(質量效應2) Spore™ The Godfather® II (教父II) The Lord of the Rings: Conquest™(魔戒:勇士無雙) The Sims 3 (模擬市民3) Namco Bandai Games Galaga Nintendo Animal Crossing, Donkey Kong(大金剛遊戲) Mario(超級瑪莉) Wii Sports Zelda Square Enix Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time(太空戰士水晶編年史.時之迴聲) Wizards of the Coast Dungeons & Dragons(龍與地下城) Magic: The Gathering(魔法風雲會)