根據國際知名網路技術服務媒體WebHosting.Info於2004年11月最新全球虛擬主機商客戶數統計數據(詳細排名請上WebHosting.Info網站): http://www.webhosting.info/webhosts/tophosts/Country/TW?pi=1&ob=RANK&oo=ASC戰國策國際股份有限公司(www.hotels.com.tw)為國際WebHosting.Info網站統計目前為台灣地區虛擬主機客戶數排名第一之虛擬主機商(Top Hosting Companies in Taiwan).大幅領先hinet及seednet大型電信業者及其他同業虛擬主機客戶數. 註: 1.coowo.com為戰國策國際股份有限公司專屬name sever名稱. 2.國際WebHosting.Info網址統計原理因與本公司計算實際客戶數不同故有 數據誤差. 3.圖表轉載自WebHosting.Info網站. 關於WebHosting.Info WebHosting.Info is the largest research and statistics portal primarily dedicated towards the web services industry. It\'s purpose is to continuously release data presenting micro and macro statistics about the Web Services industry -- Hosting Companies, Registries, Domain Registrars, Data centers etc across the world. It also provides statistical trends and patterns across Countries, IP Addresses, Domain Names, Web Servers, Operating Systems and other variables directly or indirectly related to the Web Services Industry.
The statistics collected by WebHosting.Info are a result of a patent-pending process created through two years of extensive research and development. At WebHosting.Info, we provide a vast range of customized reports and statistics about the web hosting and domain name industry, with an aim to create a free market, foster healthy competition, and eventually create a transparent and open economy. WebHosting.Info currently monitors over 35 million domain names, 1.3 million DNS servers, 35,000+ hosting companies, and approximately 2 billion IP Address on a regular basis; to arrive at statistics that exposes the entire web services industry for anyone to view, inspect and analyze. No other service or technology exists, worldwide; that offers comparable breadth and depth. 關於戰國策: 戰國策國際股份有限公司創立於2001年,主要從事網際網路相關業;擁有5000家的客戶群。本公司的高效率之服務、合理的收費,讓企業能以最少的成本達到最高的經濟效益,並提昇企業形象與競爭力。因此自成立以來受到廣大企業客戶的支持與青睞,使得本公司的得以快速成長。戰國策以其效率、專業、熱誠並值得信賴的服務在台灣 網路業界迅速建立起商譽! 為保障客戶網路消費安全及購物權益,戰國策為同業第一家分別審核通過取得經濟部「資訊透明化信賴電子商店」及台北市消費者電子商務協會(SOSA)「優良電子商店」會員。未來本公司將陸續提供更多,更完善且多元化的網路服務。以最好的服務品質,致力於企業網路e化。
- 新聞稿有效日期,至2004/12/30為止
聯絡人 :市場行銷暨企業發展部 劉建毅 聯絡電話:02-87732458 分機 236 電子郵件:Milu@hotels.com.tw
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