課程大綱: (Day 1) MIPS32 4K CORE ACHITECTURE (MIPS原廠標準課程) 1. MIPS Architecture 2. CORE 3. Memory Management Unit 4. Exception and Interrupt Processing 5. Cache Memory 6. Power Management
(Day 2) MIPS32 4K CORE HARDWARE INTERFACE (MIPS原廠標準課程) 7. Signal Layout 8. Performance Monitoring 9. Clocking and Initialization 10. System Bus
(Day 3) System Software Design for Board Bring-Up (1) 11. Toolchain and Development Environment 12. Complete Guide to the MIPS Instruction Set 13. Assembler Language Programming 14. Object Code Backgrounder 15. Programming Caches
(Day 4) System Software Design for Board Bring-Up (2) 16. Programming the TLB 17. Memory Translation: Setup 18. TLB Exception Sample Code 19. Use of the MIPS TLB 20. C Programming on MIPS 21. Portability Considerations
(Day 5) System Software Design for Board Bring-Up (3) 22. Introduction of the Development Board 23. Dissect the Example System Codes