*上課地點 台大嚴慶齡工業研究中心/106台北市大安區基隆路三段130號 *上課時間 日期:7/17、7/24、7/31、8/7,共計24H 週六(09:00~12:00、13:00~16:30) 6H/天 *課程內容 The goal of this short course is thus to provide students with a firm grounding on a broad range of topics relevant to ITS architecture, network support, communication-based information technologies, and application development. The topics to be covered include: • Introduction to ITS (1 hour) • Back-haul network: GPRS, 1xEDVO, WiMax (3 hours) • Commercial Mobile Radio Services (CMRS) (3 hours) • DSRC MAC design and protocol conversion on road-side units (3 hours) • Mobility Management (2 hours) • Algorithms for intelligent infrastructure or vehicles (3 hours) • P2P applications in ITS (2 hours) • The Security of Vehicular Networks (3 hours) • Sensor and sensor network design for ITS (2 hours) • Novel applications of ITS (2 hours) *參加對象 本課程適合對智慧型運輸系統(ITS)有興趣之工程師,學員需具備電腦網路的基礎知識 招生人數:每班預計招收30名(最低開課人數:10名) *課程費用 【課程費用】學員自費$7,700/人【全程學費NT$15,400/人;政府補助1/2學費】 【退費標準】: 1-學員繳費後開訓前退訓者,退還三分之二自繳費用 2-開訓後因學員個人因素無法參訓者,不退還任何費用 *報名方式 1. 線上報名:網址:http://www.tl.ntu.edu.tw 2. 電話報名:02-23628136 或 02-23693661 #44 3. 通訊報名:請填妥報名表寄至:106台北市基隆路三段130號 葉小姐 4. 傳真報名:02-23632090 葉小姐