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產業動態 PMBOK 3rd will impact PMP® exam soon
PMI-Taiwan Chapter 本新聞稿發佈於2005/03/20,由發布之企業承擔內容之立場與責任,與本站無關

The Project Management Institute (PMI) has released the following statement regarding the new PMBOK® Guide and subsequent changes to the PMP exam:

■ 發布/輪播新聞稿 新聞稿直達14萬電子報訂戶刊登新聞稿:按此
“The Project Management Professional (PMP®) Exam will remain in alignment with the PMBOK® Guide – 2000 Edition until third quarter 2005. At that time, the PMP Exam will be updated and developed according to a new Role Delineation Study, and aligned to the PMBOK® Guide - Third Edition and other reference material revised since the last exam update.”

If you know more about PMBOK® Guide – 2000, you don’t need to change your way for preparing PMP certification right away, but you sure need to decide whether you would like to take PMBOK® Guide – 2000 or PMBOK® Guide – the 3rd edition based certification. If you’re planning on taking the exam before the fourth quarter of 2005, it might be suggested that you acquire your eligibility now and start thinking about how you’ll study. Target a date for the exam, and make your reservation at a Prometric Test Center. As the final days of the present exam draw near, you may find that the test centers have limited seats for testing due to a many people also want to take the exam before Q4.

The Project Management Institute (PMI®) stands as a global leader in the field of project management. It is well known that PMI certification involves a rigorous, examination-based process that represents the highest request in professional standards. Therefore, PMI’s professional certification is universally accepted and recognized. As a demonstration of our commitment to professional excellence, the PMI program also maintains ISO 9001 certification in Quality Management Systems.

Vital and forward thinking – focused on the needs of project management professionals worldwide; that’s the Project Management Institute of today. We’ve long been acknowledged as a pioneer in the field and now our membership represents a truly global community with over 150,000 members and 100,000 PMP professionals, representing 125 countries.

For more information about PMI activities and PMP certification, please contact PMI
TW, TEL: 886-2-2523-6433。

- 新聞稿有效日期,至2005/04/20為止

聯絡人 :Steven Liaw

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