本活動由著名市場研究公司ABI Research主辦,ABI Research(總部位於紐約)專精於電信、通訊、半導體等市場領域,並於紐約、倫敦、新加坡等地設有分公司;ABI Research的研究報告廣泛為國際知名媒體所引用,並長期服務台灣股票上市公司、工研院、資策會等法人機構。 本活動將於8/30、8/31為期兩天於韓國首爾舉辦,地點位於首爾市中心Shilla Hotel This event will take place on August 30-31, 2010 in Seoul, South Korea. With the evolution in smart phones, advanced mobile devices and cloud computing, the cyber threat is quickly moving to the wireless world, threatening to compromise personal and corporate data and connectivity. The forum will address a broad array of wireless security topics, from devices to networks, to user and carrier data, to viruses and malware. A 360 degree view of wireless security issues will be addressed from both an industry and technical perspective. Event Topics: 1. Understanding Malicious Attacks 2. Device Security 3. Application and Software Security 4. Network Security 5. Home Network Security. Online registration- http://www.regonline.com/wireless_security_symposium