無抵押中小企業貸款 請準備以下資料: 1) Audited financial statements for the past 2-3 years. (最近2至3年核數報告) 2) Bank statements from other banks for the past 6 months. (最近6個月其他銀行月結單) 3) LATEST facility letter from other banks. (最近其他銀行所有信貸文件) 4) Major suppliers' and buyers' list showing the percentages, their countries and the trade terms. (主要供應商和客戶資料) (附表) 5) BR/CI/Annual Return (商業登記/公司註冊証書/公司年報) 6) ID copy of directors, Name Card and their residential address proof and telephone nos. (董事身份證, 名片, 地址證明和聯絡電話號碼) 7) Order list / POs (買貨單) 8) Tax return from IRD for the latest fiscal year. (最近稅單) 9) Net worth of guarantors (such as their bank statements and property information). (個人資產, 例如: 股票, 儲蓄存款, 物業) 以上文件請使用掃描儀掃描正本 辦公時間09:30-17:30