1. 馬達驅動系統組成及一些關鍵事務簡介 (Introduction to Motor Drive and Some Key Issues) 2. 馬達、電力電子轉換器及負載載具間之搭配事宜 (Some Match Issues Between Motor, Converter and Mechanical Load) 3. 電動車輛驅動特性探究 (Introduction to Driving Characteristics of Electric Vehicles) 4. 馬達之結構及操作原理通論 (Generalized Motor Structure and Operation Principle) 5. 變頻器馬達驅動系統之PWM切換技術及其操控特性 (PWM Switching Techniques for Inverter-Fed Motor Drives and Their Driving Characteristics) 6. 一些電動車輛典型馬達之比較特性 (Comparative Characteristics of Some Typical Motors for Electric Vehicles):有刷直流馬達、感應馬達、永磁同步馬達及直流無刷馬達、切換式磁阻馬達 7. 有刷直流馬達及其驅動控制 (Brush DC Motor and its Switching Control) 8. 感應馬達驅動及其向量控制 (Induction Motor Driving and Vector Controls) 9. 切換式磁阻馬達驅動控制及其關鍵變數調控 (Driving Control and Tuning of Key Variables for Switched-Reluctance Motors) 10. 永磁同步馬達及直流無刷馬達驅動之控制及其關鍵變數調控 (Permanent- Magnet Synchronous Motor and Brushless DC Motor:Structure, Driving Control and Tuning Control of Key Their Variables)