日本VSCEL宗師Kenichi Iga免費專題演講 VCSEL and Microlens Array-Their Birth and Evolution toward Ultr 主辦單位:工研院光電所、國立交通大學光電所 贊助單位:國科會
協辦單位:帆宣系統科技股份有限公司 時 間:91年11月14日上午9:00~11:00 地 點:工研院中興院區51館4樓國際會議廳 (新竹縣竹東鎮中興路四段195號51館) Abstract Prof. Kenichi Iga will give a talk on their background of invention,physical basics, device technology, and evolution to open up a new field of optoelectronics. Especially, he will touch on materials and VCSEL devices covering wide range of spectra from blue GaInN to infrared GaInNAs Systems.Then, some of industrial evolution and market expansion including high-speed networks, photonic interconnects,high density optical memories, displays,and so on will be discussed. 參加辦法: 1.本活動免費參加,但請事先報名 2.請於11月13日前將填妥之報名表 傳真:(03)5917702 ‧ 5833190 光電所企推組 陳雅萍小姐 收; 亦歡迎上網報名:http://www.oes.itri.org.tw/train.html。 因會場座位有限,報名額滿截止。 3.本活動聯絡人:光電所企推組陳雅萍 TEL:(03)5912633 E-mail:yappy@itri.org.tw 聯絡地址:新竹縣竹東鎮中興路四段 195-8 號 78 館 B110 講師介紹: Kenichi Iga was born on July 15 1940 in Hiroshima Prefecture. He received his B.E. in 1963, his M.E. in 1965, and his Dr. Eng. Degree in 1968 from Tokyo Institute of Technology. From 1968 he joined the P&I Lab., Tokyo Institute of Technology, became Associate Professor in 1973, Professor in 1984, and served as Director in the period of 1996-1999. He retired Tokyo Institute of Technology in March 2001 and was awarded by Professor Emeritus. Dr. Iga joined Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) as Executive Director since April 2001. He is also a guest professor of Kogakuin University. From 1979 to 1980 he stayed at Bell Laboratories as Visiting Technical Staff Member. Prof. Iga first proposed (in 1977) and pioneered the research of surface emitting semiconductor lasers. He is an active proponent of microoptics, utilizing gradient-index microlens. He is the author of Fundamentals of Microoptics published by Academic Press, Fundamentals of Laser Optics published from Ohm-sha and Plenum, Introduction to Optical Fiber Communication from Ohm-sha/John Wiley & Sons, and several other books. He received 1992 William Streifer Award for Scientific Achievement. Dr. Iga received the 1998 John Tyndall Award and the 3rd Millennium Medal from IEEE in 2000. He received the Asahi Prize in 1998, Distinguished Scientist Award from Tokyo in 2000, the Purple Ribbon Medal from Japanese Emperor in 2001, and the 2002 Rank Prize from the Rank Prize Funds, UK. He will receive 2003 IEEE Noble Award. - 新聞稿有效日期,至2002/11/14為止
聯絡人 :陳雅萍 聯絡電話:03-5912633 電子郵件:yappy@itri.org.tw