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產業動態 日本二擇一選擇權交易平台領導者OPSHOM.COM宣布於開啟中文平台。
Opshom.com 本新聞稿發佈於2012/01/26,由發布之企業承擔內容之立場與責任,與本站無關


■ 發布/輪播新聞稿 新聞稿直達14萬電子報訂戶刊登新聞稿:按此
OPSHOM.COM,亞洲地區二擇一選擇權交易平台的領導者,驕傲的宣布全新版本的中文網站在2012年1月將會提供以下幾種股票交易;蘋果、亞馬遜、百度、迪士尼、波音。另外,澳洲期貨合約SPI 200也會出現在指數交易的名單中。除了現有的11種通貨交易之外,OPSHOM.COM也將會提供四種全新的通貨交易:新土耳其里拉兌歐元、美元,巴西幣兌、美元。



OPSHOM主要的投資者George Liu表示:「跟隨二擇一選擇權的交易市場擴展到全球以及散布到各個新的地區。作為一個亞洲市場的領導者,OPSHOM與世界上最頂尖的證券交易商一樣,不斷增加可交易的資產組合,以滿足各種使用者的需求。」

OPSHOM.COM, the world's leading Asian Binary Options platform provider is proud to announce that the new Chinese website will offer the following stocks from January 2012: Apple, Amazon, Baidu, Disney or Boeing. Also, the Australian future contract, SPI 200 Future, will be added to the Index List. In addition to the existing 11 currencies,

OPSHOM.COM will also be offering 4 new ones: the Turkish Lira against the Euro, the Turkish Lira against the Dollar, the Brazilian Real against the Euro and the Brazilian Real against the Dollar.

OPSHOM.COM will be increasing their asset list due to the growing demand in Japan and Singapore. This will allow all the traders in Taiwan and Hong Kong to trade with some of the stablest assets in the market. Broadening the asset list will offer more options to trade with and will therefore appeal to more traders.

Also, in the following months OPSHOM plans to offer the following assets: GAZPROM, Barclays and Deutsche Bank.

OPSHOM's Chief Trader, George Liu, says ''Following the Binary Options market expansion worldwide and its distribution to new areas, OPSHOM, as the markets leading platform in Asia is increasing its asset portfolio so that everyone can find the asset they want to trade with, in accordance with all the world's leading stock exchanges.''

- 新聞稿有效日期,至2012/02/25為止

聯絡人 :George Liu
聯絡電話:080 3810 7062

上一篇:將AppleTV II的優質光纖音源轉到傳統擴大機播放



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