03/26 課程大綱: 01) Introduction of parallel processing a. Shared Memory Multipleprocessor b. Distributed Memory Multiplecomputer (02) Concept of CUDA a. CUDA supported GPUs b. What is CUDA ? (03) CUDA installation a. CUDA driver & toolkit b. CUDA SDK c. Meet DeviceQuery (04) CUDA programming model a. CUDA execution flow b. Index system in kernel function c. Streaming Multiprocessor(SM) d. NVCC - NVidia C Compiler e. CUDA Runtime library f. example: CUDA memory management
(05) CUDA memory hierarchy a.Register b. Shared memory c. Local memory d. Global memory e. L1/L2 cache f. Constant memory g. Texture memory 03/27 課程大綱: (06) Your First CUDA program : Vector Addition a. sequencial b. 1 B 1 T c. 1 B N T d. M B N T e. CUDA event functions (07) CUDA performance tunnig basic : Vector inner productor a. sequencial b. naive c. atomic function b. shared memory e. tree reduction f. kernel execution time distribution analysis (08) CUDA programming skills a. Device I/O bridge b. Separate Compilation c. Flexible use of CUDA function type qualifiers d. fast CUDA porting model 03/28課程大綱: (06) Your First CUDA program : Vector Addition a. sequencial b. 1 B 1 T c. 1 B N T d. M B N T e. CUDA event functions (07) CUDA performance tunnig basic : Vector inner productor a. sequencial b. naive c. atomic function b. shared memory e. tree reduction f. kernel execution time distribution analysis (08) CUDA programming skills a. Device I/O bridge b. Separate Compilation c. Flexible use of CUDA function type qualifiers d. fast CUDA porting model 詳細課程資訊,請見研碩網站:www.yanshuo.cc - 新聞稿有效日期,至2014/03/27為止
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