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產業動態 研碩資訊:CUDA C 程式設計課程,即將於2014.03.26開課
研碩資訊股份有限公司 本新聞稿發佈於2014/02/24,由發布之企業承擔內容之立場與責任,與本站無關

研碩資訊CUDA C 程式設計課程,開課日期(2014.03.26~28),報名截止日:2014.03.17 (星期一) 請加緊腳步學習並投入深受科學研究領域歡迎的CUDA世界!課程兼顧科學研究與產業發展的需求,而具備豐富的教學經驗與熱忱的講師,將提供您最完整的深入鑽研與實務學習能力!我們將一步步帶領您輕鬆跨越門檻,大幅提升您的專業能力。

■ 發布/輪播新聞稿 新聞稿直達14萬電子報訂戶刊登新聞稿:按此
03/26 課程大綱:

01) Introduction of parallel processing
a. Shared Memory Multipleprocessor   b. Distributed Memory Multiplecomputer

(02) Concept of CUDA
a. CUDA supported GPUs   b. What is CUDA ?

(03) CUDA installation
a. CUDA driver & toolkit   b. CUDA SDK   c. Meet DeviceQuery

(04) CUDA programming model
a. CUDA execution flow   b. Index system in kernel function   c. Streaming Multiprocessor(SM)   d. NVCC - NVidia C Compiler   e. CUDA Runtime library   f. example: CUDA memory management

(05) CUDA memory hierarchy
a.Register   b. Shared memory   c. Local memory   d. Global memory   e. L1/L2 cache   f. Constant memory
g. Texture memory

03/27 課程大綱:

(06) Your First CUDA program : Vector Addition
a. sequencial   b. 1 B 1 T   c. 1 B N T   d. M B N T   e. CUDA event functions

(07) CUDA performance tunnig basic : Vector inner productor
a. sequencial   b. naive   c. atomic function   b. shared memory   e. tree reduction   f. kernel execution time distribution analysis

(08) CUDA programming skills
a. Device I/O bridge   b. Separate Compilation   c. Flexible use of CUDA function type qualifiers   d. fast CUDA porting model

(06) Your First CUDA program : Vector Addition
a. sequencial   b. 1 B 1 T   c. 1 B N T   d. M B N T   e. CUDA event functions

(07) CUDA performance tunnig basic : Vector inner productor
a. sequencial   b. naive   c. atomic function   b. shared memory   e. tree reduction   f. kernel execution time distribution analysis

(08) CUDA programming skills
a. Device I/O bridge   b. Separate Compilation   c. Flexible use of CUDA function type qualifiers   d. fast CUDA porting model


- 新聞稿有效日期,至2014/03/27為止

聯絡人 :黃小姐




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