1.Introduction to Antennas in Wireless Communications 2.Fundamentals of Antennas and Radio Waves 3.Antenna System Parameters 4.Antenna Element Model 5.Antenna Array Model and Antenna Diversity 6.Various Types of Antennas ...
課程主旨 This short course treats fundamental concepts of antenna design and practical applications for modern wireless communication systems, such as satellite communications, 2G/3G cellular systems, wireless LAN 802.11, Bluetooh, and GPS. Many working examples are given to illustrate the design concepts. Several case studies and design procedures are demonstrated through the computer simulation tools. Practical issues of antenna implementation and measurements will also be covered, including dual-band impedance matching, balun, SAR, gain patterns and efficiency, wireless sensitivity and EIRP, and calibration techniques 課程簡介 課程內容 1.Introduction to Antennas in Wireless Communications 2.Fundamentals of Antennas and Radio Waves 3.Antenna System Parameters 4.Antenna Element Model 5.Antenna Array Model and Antenna Diversity 6.Various Types of Antennas 7.Practical Antenna Design for Communication Systems 8.Simulation Tools and Design Consideration 9.Practical Issues on Antenna Implementation and Measurements 師資介紹 林怡成教授 現 職:台灣大學電信研究所助理教授 最高學歷:美國密西根大學電機博士 專 長:天線設計、無線通訊