主辦單位:經濟部工業局 協辦單位:中研院 承辦單位:台大慶齡工業中心 上課時間:9/8(五), 9/9(六), 9/15(五), 9/16(六) 09:00 ~16:00;共計24小時 課程簡介: Introduction to VLSI Testing Introduction to Principle of ATE Device and Device Testing Specification DC Parametric Testing Functional Testing AC Parametric Testing Characterization Test Test Pattern Development Test Program Development (option) Design For Testability (option) 參加對象:Introduction to VLSI Testing Introduction to Principle of ATE Device and Device Testing Specification DC Parametric Testing Functional Testing AC Parametric Testing Characterization Test Test Pattern Development Test Program Development (option) Design For Testability (option)