前置準備: 1. 需熟悉C Language 2. 曾經使用過L.A.或示波器者佳 3. 具備ARM或8051經驗者佳
課程大綱: DAY 1 1. Introduction - 8051 briefing - What is SOC - What is ARM - What is JTAG - Interface briefing - Architecture of Samsung 44B0 2. Memory Controller - Flash memory - SDRAM Memory - Bus Interface - CACHE and Non-CACHE - System Library in ESD_44B0 - 7-Segment 實作 - Application 及Interrupt - DMA 實作 3. UART - What is UART - What is RS232/RS485/RS422 - UART Library 建立 - XMODEM 實作 - Memory Map of ESD_44B0 - System Library of interrupt
DAY 2 1. SPI Interface - SPI 之基本觀念 - SPI Controller in S3C44B0X 2. SD Card Interface -SDI Interface -SPI Interface -SD Card Command 3. SD Card and SPI 實作
DAY 3 1. IDE Interface - IDE Interface Signal - ATA Command - CF Card Interface - HDD 系統實作 2. GPIO - GPIO Controller - Key-switch 3. NorFlash - 原理說明 - 讀寫實作
DAY 4 1.USB interface - USB interface specification - Mass-storage 實作 2. ADC and Touchscreen