nCipher 與 Certicom 公司策略聯盟, 在其nShield 與 netHSM 硬體加密模組內含了ECC加密演算的加速功能, 提供要求更高安全性, 更有效率與效能的客戶一個更佳的硬體加密解決方案. ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography)是目前最先進的非對稱式加密演算法, ECC 可以使用較小的金鑰長度來達到與傳統公開金鑰演算法同樣等級的安全度, 換言之, ECC可以更有效率的提供相同或更高安全加密保護. ECC已經被美國政府認可並強列建議採用, 並且逐漸在各行各業被用在要求高安全性的保護關鍵資料的系統上. About Certicom Certicom protects the value of your content, applications and devices with government-approved security. Adopted by the National Security Agency (NSA) for classified and unclassified government communications, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) provides the most security per bit of any known public-key scheme. As the undisputed leader in ECC, Certicom security offerings are currently licensed to more than 300 customers including General Dynamics, Motorola, Oracle, Research In Motion and Unisys. Founded in 1985, Certicom’s corporate offices are in Mississauga, ON, Canada with worldwide sales and marketing headquarters in Reston, VA and offices in the US, Canada and Europe. Visit
About nCipher nCipher protects critical enterprise data for many of the world's most security-conscious organizations. Delivering solutions in the fields of identity management, data protection, enterprise key management and cryptographic hardware, nCipher enables businesses to identify who can access data, to protect data in transit and at rest, and to comply with the growing number of privacy-driven regulations. nCipher plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE:NCH). 詳細資料: 台灣代理商玉山科技 (02)77128295
- 新聞稿有效日期,至2007/05/16為止
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