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產業動態 Enhancing High-Res Image Capture
采杰公關 本新聞稿發佈於2017/07/03,由發布之企業承擔內容之立場與責任,與本站無關

While life may be a series of compromises, there are times when only the best will do.

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Sometimes, it can be hard to compromise. I always want the best doctor to help with my family’s care, and definitely try to get the best advice I can from my friends concerning important decisions. Children always seem to be looking for the biggest piece of birthday cake, and guitar amplifiers are always better when they go to 11. While life may be a series of compromises, there are times when only the best will do.

This can be true in industrial imaging as well. Sometimes, one requirement in an application is so critical that it can’t be traded for another. Resolution is a good example – if your application requires high resolution capture, you can’t trade this for other things like higher frame rate or smaller camera size. Instead, you need to start with an image sensor that provides the resolution you need, and then work to optimize the rest of the camera performance.

That’s one reason our 29 megapixel KAI-29050 has been widely adopted across a variety of surveillance, aerial imaging, and machine vision applications. This device has enough resolution to count the number of golf balls on a regulation soccer pitch, allowing it to provide the critical imaging detail needed when inspecting electronics or monitoring a large area such as an airport terminal. While it may not be our highest resolution device (that’s the 50 megapixel KAF-50100), the combination of very high resolution in a convenient 35 mm optical format really makes this device stand apart.

And now, with the launch of the new KAI-29052 image sensor, the imaging performance available at this resolution node has been enhanced. The KAI-29052 is fully drop-in compatible with the KAI‑29050, providing the same high resolution, global shutter capture and CCD-level image uniformity as the existing device. But the KAI-29052 provides up to twice the imaging sensitivity in near-infrared wavelengths such as 850 nm without reducing image sharpness (Modulation Transfer Function). And it also includes an updated amplifier design that reduces read noise from the sensor by 15%. So it’s everything the KAI‑29050 provides – but more.

At ON Semiconductor, we recognize that “one size fits all” really doesn’t apply to imaging applications – that’s why there are over 1000 different orderable devices available in our portfolio, spanning different pixel sizes, optical formats, output interfaces – and resolutions. And it’s also why we continue to develop and leverage the fundamental CCD and CMOS technologies used in these products in order to enhance the performance available to customers – like the enhanced near-IR performance and reduced noise profile of the new KAI-29052. So that whatever your imaging need may be – even up to 29 megapixels or beyond – there’s no need to compromise.  

- 新聞稿有效日期,至2017/08/03為止

聯絡人 :黃雅琳

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個人.家庭.數位化 - 數位之牆

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