1.General總論 *NPDP考試概論 *New Product, Service新產品, 新服務 2.Strategy策略 *The importance of strategy to product development success產品策略重要性 *What is strategy?策略是什麼 *Establish the organization ’s direction建立組織與方向 *Business and corporate strategy企業與組織策略 *Innovation strategy and strategic plan創新策略與計畫 *Strategies that support innovation支援創新的策略 3.Market Research1市場調查1 *Introduction to market research in product development市場研究介紹 *Second vs Primary Market Research次級與初級市場研究 *Qualitative vs quantitative methods質化與量化方法 *Market research tools市場研究的的工具 4.New Product Process新產品開發流程 *Product development as a “risk vs reward” process 產品開發流程是風險與報酬的綜合 *Specific product development process and methods各種產品開發流程 *Stage-gate *IPD *Lean PD *Agile PD **Comparison of product development process產品開發流程間比教 *Product development governance產品開發治理 **The product Innovation Charter產品創新章程 5.Portfolio Management組合管理 *What is a product portfolio產品組合是什麼 *The relationship of the portfolio to strategy產品組合跟策略的關係 *Selection of new product opportunities新產品機會的選擇 *The balanced portfolio平衡的組合 *Resource allocation資源的配置 6.Build Business Case建立商業案件 **Three Main Components of the Business Case建立商業案件三要素 The Structure of Build Business Case建立商業案件的架構 The Key Blocks in Build Business Case建立商業案件的主要障礙 User Needs and Wants Study 使用者需求分析 **Competitive Intelligence 競爭者分析 **Workshop: 競爭者分析 Detailed Market Analysis 詳細市場分析 Concept Testing 概念測試 **Financial Analysis財務分析 Tools: Financial Analysis 財務分析 Tools: Sales Forecasting 銷售預測戰 Homework: Build Business Case建立商業案件 7.Culture,Organization and Teams文化、組織與團隊 ** The important of a culture of innovation創新文化的重要性 **Management roles with respect to product development產品開發管理者的角色 *Strategy策略 *Process流程 *Organization and Teams組織與團隊 *Product產品 ** Teams- roles and responsible團隊-角色與責任 ** Matrix structures and the cross-functional team矩陣架構和跨部門團 隊 8.Tools and Metrics工具與尺標 *Ideation tools發想工具 *Feasibility analysis可行性分析 *Financial analysis財務分析 *Product concept and design specifications產品概念與設計規格 *Product design tools產品設計工具 *Project management&Risk Management專案管理與風險管理 *Performance metrics for product management產品尺標 9.Market Research2市場調查2 *Market research tools-Test Market市場測試 *Multivariate market research *Other important market research tools: Crowdsourcing & Big Data *Market research at specific stages of product development 10.Launch& Post Launch *Launch *Launch management *Post Launch 11.Lifecycle Management **Product life cycle *Introduction to the product life cycle *Managing the product life cycle *The impact of the PLC on the product portfolio *The critical stage of product introduction **Sustainable product Innovation *Introduction to sustainable innovation *Sustainability related to product development ***LCA cases studies and certification