香港, 2017年11月23日 - (亞太商訊) - ASM太平洋科技有限公司(ASMPT)是全球領先的半導體裝配及封裝設備、材料及表面貼裝技術供應商,榮獲《經濟一週》頒發的“香港傑出企業” 獎項。 該獎項自二零零四年成立至今已十四年,旨在表彰香港的成功企業,認可他們的傑出成就及為香港的經濟進步作出的貢獻。過去的獲獎者包括香港鐵路有限公司、新創建集團有限公司、中國光大國際有限公司。 ASMPT自1989年起在香港聯合交易所上市,從企業理念及遠景、年度表現、企業管治、股東支持度、科技研究及發展,以及業內成就等各方面,經過嚴格的遴選被主辦方評為傑出企業,表揚其卓越成就。 ASMPT行政總裁李偉光先生表示:“我們真的很榮幸我們的努力能夠受到外界認可,並被譽為優秀企業的典範,啟發新一代商界領袖。自40多年前成立以來,ASMPT的業務模式已經成功進行了策略轉型,作出策略性合併收購 (M&A) 和投資,並專注創新,為客戶創造更高價值”。
李先生繼續說:“我們的努力已經結出成果,但我們並沒有放慢腳步。除了不斷努力,使我們的業務再創新高,我們也致力於以誠信和開放的方式營運集團。同時,我們也著重主動為社區作出貢獻,積極鼓勵員工盡自己所能,參與義工服務和慈善捐贈。最後,我代表ASMPT感謝全體員工的付出,並向大家表示感謝”。 About ASM Pacific Technology ASMPT, founded in 1975, is the only company in the world that can offer high-quality equipment for all major steps in the electronics manufacturing process - from carrier for chip interconnection to chip assembly and packaging to SMT. No other supplier offers a comparable range and depth of process expertise. ASMPT’s Back-end Equipment Business offers a diverse product range from bonding to molding and trim & form to the integration of these activities into complete in-line systems for the microelectronics, semiconductor, photonics, and optoelectronics industries. Its Materials Business provides customers with a variety of leadframes such as etched and stamping as well as advanced packaging materials. ASMPT’ SMT Solutions develops and sells best-in-class DEK printers for the SMT, semiconductor and solar markets as well as best-in-class SIPLACE SMT placement solutions. ASMPT is listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since 1989. For media enquiries, please contact: Hong Kong Mandy Go Strategic Financial Relations Limited Tel: (852) 2864 4812 Email: Singapore Joey Ng Senior Manager, Corporate Communications Tel: +65 6750 9567 Mobile: +65 9877 5032 Email: Website: - 新聞稿有效日期,至2017/12/23為止
聯絡人 :劉 穎 聯絡電話:81-3-5791-1818 電子郵件
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