課程效益: 本次研討會隆重介紹一套針對半導體發光薄膜結構,如有機發光二極體(OLED)特性與最佳化的計算工程模擬工具,在研討會第一階段中,將概述支配電性與光學元件作用下的物理模型,講解幾個與實驗數據比較的實際案例,介紹已廣泛使用的光學模擬軟體 ETFOS,以及能夠模擬電荷傳輸與再結合的延伸版本 SETFOS。在第二階段中,更進一步地介紹包含參數變化、最佳化與參數擬合等重要軟體特點,參加學員可以獲得寶貴的實戰經驗,透過軟體輔助來學習如何解決實際的工程問題,因此本次研討會非常適合工業界和教育界從事 OLED 和光學產品發展的科學家與工程師來參加。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 講師介紹 : Dr. Beat Ruhstaller Dr. Beat Ruhstaller is founder of Fluxim Inc. and lecturer for Computational Physics at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, Switzerland. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Santa Cruz, USA, and was involved in OLED modelling at the IBM Almaden Research Center, USA, as well as in OLED display technology development at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland. He is well known in the OLED community for his expertise in OLED device physics and simulation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 時間 Agenda 9:30~10:00 報到 10:00~10:10 Introduction - About Fluxim Inc. - Our research, our software products 10:10~10:50 SETFOS at a Glance - Graphical User Interface (GUI) and workflow - Optical and electronic simulation examples and validation 10:50~11:00 Break 11:00~12:00 SETFOS Software for Electronic Device Simulations - Physical models (charges, excitons) - Demonstration of simulation examples - Your First Electronic Device Simulation 12:00~13:00 Lunch break 13:00~14:00 ETFOS Software for Optical Device Simulation - Physical models (emitting dipoles) - Demonstration of simulation examples - Your First Optical Device Simulation 14:00~14:10 Break 14:10~15:00 Advanced Analysis Features Parameter Variation, Optimization and Fitting Methods and applications 15:00~15:20 Break 15:20~16:30 Hands-on Exercises 此課程為上機課程,需電腦。 - Transient electroluminescence - Current-voltage curves and internal profiles - Multiple excitons (White OLEDs) -Optimization of outcoupling intensity, color and viewing angle - Optical simulation of coatings and thin film solar cells. 16:30~17:00 Questions and answers
※ Hands-on Exercises,將提供試用軟體及上機實作,請自備notebook,若無自備可代為租借,並酌收$700租借費。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 課程資訊 .................... 時間 96年09月06日(星期四) 10:00~17:00 (9:30~10:00報到) 地點 台北福華文教會館203會議室[交通資訊] 費用 完全免費 參加辦法 請下載並填妥報名表,以電子郵件方式報名。 活動聯絡人:皮托科技/鄭小姐 電話:04-7364000 E-mail:info@mail.pitotech.com.tw 活動網址:http://www.pitotech.com.tw/c/news-p247.htm ※恕不接受現場報名,同單位限兩人報名,其餘等待候補。 ※ 座位有限,請儘早報名
- 新聞稿有效日期,至2007/09/06為止
聯絡人 :皮托科技行銷部 聯絡電話:04-7364000 電子郵件:info@mail.pitotech.com.tw