本課程強調嵌入式Linux與IO介面存取以及IoT 應用程式,學員可以學到IoT程式設計的觀念與雲端連結的實作體驗,本課程適合具有C程式基礎與Linux 指令基礎的學員修習。 歡迎對物聯網開發與應用有興趣的學員、工程師或相關領域的在職人士報名, 3人同行報名或是中華民國微波學會會員者皆有優惠,補助名額有限報名從速!! 詳細課程內容請上http://www.tl.ntu.edu.tw/training/index.asp →點選【智慧電子】類。洽詢電話 02-36661363轉59144,葉小姐。 【課程大綱】 1. Embedded System Development Concepts Lab: Setting up development environment 2. Timers, Exception and Interrupt Handling Lab: GPIO, keypad, and interrupt handling 3. Linux Threads and Processes Lab: Networking with Linux Lab: Multi-thread Programming 4. IoT device connection Lab: IoT device connetion via BLE interface Lab: IoT device connection via Serial Interface 5. IoT web applications Lab: IoT device and Restful API cloud service 6. IoT gateway architectures and MQTT protocol 開發主機:Ubuntu 16.04 實作平台:Raspberry Pi 3平台