Learn more about the Motor Developement Kit here ON Semiconductor's Motor Development Kit (MDK) is a complete motor control system to speed design and testing for a wide variety of applications. Motors are everywhere in our lives and industry, providing transportation, climate control, material handling, and factory operations. Efficient, reliable electric motor drives are crucial components for adapting to the changing world – but not easy to do, until now. The MDK comprises a Universal Controller Board (UCB) and some motor drive Power Boards. The UCB quickly connects to any Power Board to create a full motor control solution. The UCB is based on the powerful Xilinx Zynq-7000 FPGA, which contains two Cortex A9 CPUs, and offers all the peripherals needed for complex, full-featured control. The UCB is compatible with the full suite of Xilinx design tools like Vitis and Vivado, in addition to ON Semiconductor GUI for rapid evaluation.
The Power Boards implement the power electronics of the motor drive with a three-phase inverter, gate drivers, and protection functions. The SECO-1KW-MCTRL-GEVB is 1 kilowatt Power Board featuring the 600V NFAQ1060L36T intelligent power module (IPM) in a DIPS6 package and an interleaved PFC controlled by NCP1632. The SECO-4KW-65SPM31-GEVB Power Board features the NFAM5065L4B 650 V Intelligent Power Module in a DIP39 package. It is rated for 400 VDC input, delivering up to 1-kilowatt continuous power, with the capability of delivering up to 4 kilowatts power for a short period of time or by adding a heatsink.
More Power Boards are in the pipeline, highlighting higher power modules like 8-kilowatt TMPIM and a BLDC Motor Driver featuring industry-leading MOSFETs from ON Semiconductor, targeting bus voltages from 10 – 100 volts. With the Motor Development Kit (MDK), ON Semiconductor makes solving your motor drive application faster and easier. #ONSemiconductor #MDK #Kit
關於安森美半導體 安森美半導體(ON Semiconductor,美國那斯達克上市代號:ON)致力於推動高效能電子的創新,使客戶能夠減少全球的能源使用。安森美半導體是基於半導體的解決方案之領導供應商,提供全面性的高效能電源管理、類比、感測器、邏輯、時序、連線、離散元件、系統單晶片(SoC)及客製化元件。安森美半導體的產品幫助工程師解決在汽車、通訊、運算、消費性電子、工業、醫療、航空及國防應用的獨特設計挑戰。安森美半導體擁有敏銳、可靠、世界一流的供應鏈及品質專案,及一套嚴謹的審查標準和道德規範計劃,在北美、歐洲和亞太地區的關鍵市場的營運網路更包括製造廠、銷售辦公室和設計中心。欲瞭解更多資訊請參閱:;在 Twitter 上追蹤安森美半導體。
- 新聞稿有效日期,至2021/03/21為止
聯絡人 :何弘勇 聯絡電話:02-6605-0988#36 電子郵件
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