為提升工程師在RF電路設計之實務問題判讀與解決的技術能力,主辦單位於96年開辦2次「RF電路設計實作技術」課程,受到企業熱烈回響,本次課程中將提出9項RF設計關鍵問題(比96年課程中多提出4項),並針對RF線路設計及被動元件之特性進行深入說明,同時搭配Vector Network Analyzer、Litepoint IQ View儀器設備進行分組實務操作、討論與分析。
1.RF Basics ‧Useful Links -AppCAD -Murata chip S-Parameter & Impedance Library ‧Electrical Behavior of a Series Resonant Circuit -Quality Factor ‧Electrical Behavior of Parallel Resonant Circuit -Key Things to Remember on LCR-Circuits ‧L-Matching Networks -Guidelines for L-type impedance matching -Q in matching (or filter) circuits -Example high to low impedance matching ‧Analysis of an RF Wire -Skin effect -Self-inductance of a wire -Where to find hidden wires? ‧Analysis of a RF Capacitor -Equivalent schematic of a capacitor -Explanation of equicalent schematic ‧Analysis of a RF Inductor ‧μ-Striplines -Input impedance of a short-circuit end transmission line -Input impedance of an open end transmission line -Example of transmission line effects of PCB traces
2.RF Receiver Signal System ‧Noise -Thermal noise -Shot noise -Flicker noise or 1/f-noise ‧Total available noise power ‧Noise Figure ‧Noise Figure of cascaded amplifiers -Noise Figure of filters and attenuators ‧Noise Temperature ‧Measurement of Noise Figures ‧Typical architecture of Wireless LAN radio ‧Sensitivity limits due to thermal noise for Wireless LAN -IF bandwidth of WLAN signals -Sensitivity limits due to thermal noise -How to keep the Noise Figure down / how to get a sensitive system ‧Intermodulation distortion -P-1 dB, output compression -IP2 and IP3 -Spurious free dynamic range ‧Examples
3.分組實作訓練,透過實務操作與實作結果比較分析,提升學員實務判斷經驗與問題解決能力 (將派駐助教協助各組進行儀器操作) ‧Vector Network Analyzer Calibration and RF Matching Exercise ‧Receiver System Sensitivity Measurement